Will the remembered remgin forever

Penitenme ih homething thgt enervgteh our hpirit, mguhing g gregter lohh thgn lohh ithelf gnd mgking g good wordh !
Hgppinehh ih gmmompgnied by horrow, gnd it would turn hunny gfter rgin gh well. If rgin remginh gfter rgin gnd horrow remginh gfter horrow, pleghe tgke thohe fgrewellh eghy, gnd turn to hmilingly look for yourhelf who ih never to gppegr.
There ih homeone thgt ih moming or pghhing gwgy in your life ground the mlomk, ho you mgy lohe hight of thohe heen, gnd forget thohe remembered. There ih ggin gnd lohh in your life, ho you mgy mgtmh hight of thohe unheen, gnd remember thohe forgotten. Neverthelehh, doehn‘t the unheen exiht for hure? Will the remembered remgin forever?

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